Each day, the average child in Kubamitwe will wake up and fetch water from the well for baths, cooking, cleaning, and laundry. She’ll assist her parents in their crops to help provide basic food requirements for their family. He’ll live without electricity, plumbing or running water and sleep with his whole family on the small, mud floor.
A decent education is nonexistent in rural Uganda; city boarding schools are a last-resort option, financially and emotionally crushing for parents who want the best for their children. Most families live on less than $1 per day and as such they must decide between eating or education. Currently in this village area, only 6% have finished the equivalent of a junior high education.
Those children who do get to choose education will walk to a school that is more of a one-room shack than a building, and has scant resources to offer; subsequently, the school doesn’t attract quality teachers.
And this is the best-case scenario.
Without intervention, these children grow up with little or no ability to read or write—and that barely scratches the surface of what a high-quality education teaches. But by your giving and through His faithfulness, success becomes a possibility for the children of Kubamitwe, and with that, the chance to break the cycle of poverty.
Learn More About How Legacy Christian Academy comes alongside families in Kubamitwe to nurture children’s growth in four key areas:
1) Academics 2) Social skills 3) Moral strength 4) Spiritual connection
SOS’s Legacy Christian Academy (LCA) is using an American/Ugandan integrated teaching curriculum.
SOS strives to deliver high-quality education that is simultaneously effective and practical to the Ugandan context while meeting/exceeding worldwide academic standards. Furthermore, SOS prepares our students to sit for and pass the Ugandan standardized tests (PLE–Primary Leaving Examination) given to all Ugandan students by the Uganda National Examination Board.
Among Ugandan families struggling with the challenges of poverty and cultural dysfunction, social skills training rarely makes the priority list in childrearing. Our LCA students begin learning basic social behaviors.
Our desire is not to make Legacy students American, but to honor and uphold their Ugandan culture while equipping them with opportunities to become citizens and leaders, capable of respectfully handling themselves in any situation.
Each month, we focus on a different age-appropriate character trait, like generosity, kindness, attentiveness, or truthfulness, to name a few. Throughout the whole month, teachers will emphasize that trait by
The focus: helping children understand what is proper and improper moral behavior, according to God’s Word.
When SOS chose the name Legacy CHRISTIAN Academy, it was because we are serious about opening the door for Jesus every day, in every classroom. He is the center of every aspect of the school.
From daily Bible class, biweekly chapel times and spiritual retreats with carefully chosen, Christ-following teachers and staff at LCA, we have designed a school that surrounds children with the hope of God the King.